Homework on David Chalmers, Mind uploading

You are only required to read up to the "Where things stand section" (p11). All answers must be in your own words.

1. Can an uploaded mind still have a physical, biological body (i.e. the body the mind was originally in)? If so, how? Which version of uploading would probably be used? (1-2 sentences) (2pts)

2. Why, according to Chalmers, is it implausible that consciousness suddenly disappears as a person is gradually uploaded? (1-3 sentences) (2pts)

3. The argument from non-destructive uploaded is trying to show that an uploaded version of a person is not numerically identical to that person. Explain the argument in your own words. (2pts)

4a. What do you think Tollefsen would say about whether or not uploaded minds can be conscious? Why? (1-3 sentences) (1pt)
b. Imagine that A's mind is uploaded. What would Schecter say about whether or not the uploaded version of A is numerically identical to A? (1-3 sentences) (1pt)

5. What do you think: Is an uploaded verison of a person numerically identical to that person? Can it be conscious? Explain your view. (2pts)